Monroe Supervisor Tony Cardone to speak at GMCOC breakfast on March 1

MONROE — Monroe Town Supervisor Tony Cardone will be the guest speaker at the Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce’s next bi-monthly Business Building Breakfast on Thursday, March 1.
The event begins at 7:30 a.m. at the Empire Diner with check-in, networking and breakfast, followed by a brief introduction to GMCOC by President Edison Guzman.
He will introduce Cardone, whose topics will include the challenges and opportunities facing the Town of Monroe; how business owners can help the town; what help and plans the town has for business growth in Monroe and town offices, staff and committees that business owners may find relevant to their interests.
Admission is $12 for non-members and $10 for members of any local chamber of commerce.
Advance reservations are strongly recommended to be sure there is enough seating.
Visit to reserve your place. For information, call (845) 500-7762.