Michael Brian Lacuna earns the rank of Eagle Scout

| 19 Feb 2018 | 03:54

MONROE — Michael Brian Lacuna, a former member of Boy Scout Troop 540 in Monroe, was recently recognized as an Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor.
Only four percent of all scouts attain this prestigious honor.
Michael selected St. Anastasia Church cemetery in Harriman as the beneficiary of his service project. With the help of his troop, friends and family, he presided over making a map of the veterans buried in the cemetery and erecting row markers to help family and friends easily find their loved ones who were buried there. More than 500 veterans are buried in this cemetery.
Michael has been active in scouting since first grade, starting as a Cub Scout in Pack 240, then moving up to Troop 540. He advanced through the ranks, earning 28 merit badges in the process, as well as the Parvuli Dei and Ad Altari Dei religious medals.
He is a 2017 graduate of Monroe-Woodbury High School and is currently a freshman majoring in aerospace engineering at SUNY Buffalo.