‘Heroes for a Cure’ benefit for Make-a-Wish Foundation to take place Sept. 6 to 8
Monroe. Christine Scancarello: 'It is our time and our turn to give back.'

“Heroes for a Cure,” the sixth annual carnival and fall festival, will be held Sept. 6 to 8 at Museum Village in Monroe.
The three-day musical and entertainment festival is a yearly fund-raising event created by the Scancarello family of Monroe to bring the community together while raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The Scancarellos’ son, Anthony, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2013 when he was 6-years-old. While his battle has lasted nearly four years, he has been in remission for more than three years.
“When Anthony was diagnosed, he spent nearly the next four years of his life getting chemotherapy treatments, blood transfusions and many, many nights in the hospital,” said Anthony’s mother, Christine Scancarello. "As hard as it was to endure, we knew we had to give back to the community, which was so good to us, and to Make-A-Wish, which gave Anthony an incredible tree house.”
During that time, the idea of “Heroes for a Cure” developed.
“We would spend many nights laying in the hospital while Anthony was getting his chemotherapy and say to each other, ‘When this is over, how do we give back, and what do we do?’” said Scancarello. “We both brainstormed and came up with the idea of a fund-raising event to raise some money, but we never imagined it turning into what it has become.”
The fund raiser originally started off as a four-hour event with bouncy houses, and has evolved into a three-day event with a carnival atmosphere.
“The event is going to be hosted by culinary rocker, Johnny Ciao, and there’s going to be a big petting zoo, tons of craft vendors, food trucks, beer and wine, and a big stage with tons of local musicians playing,” Scancarello said. “Over the years we have been able to raise a good amount of money for Make- A-Wish, and this year our goal is to raise $10,000 for them.”
Although the family went through an extremely hard time in their lives, Scancarello said Anthony’s smile got them through every day.
“Now, it is our time and our turn to give back to an unfortunate family, and that is what ‘Heroes For A Cure’ is all about — raising money for people that were once like us in a bad place, but now we are paying it forward,” Scancarello said.
“To me," she added, "it is one of the finest events in the Hudson Valley and there is a great sense of pride in having it here in Monroe, our hometown, a community that is incredibly spirited and giving.”
Additional Information: Facebook page: www.herosforacure.com
Website: https://www.heroesforacure.com/#home