George Grant Mason Elementary students visit Bear Mountain
Tuxedo. They skated while learning about science.
Tuxedo /
| 11 Jan 2025 | 12:00

George Grant Mason Elementary students at Bear Mountain State Park. (

The students learned about energy, forces, and motion. (
A little wind, plenty of sun, and a whole lot of fun — what more could these young scientists ask for? George Grant Mason fourth and fifth graders visited the ice rink at Bear Mountain State Park, where their skating adventure turned classroom lessons on energy, forces, and motion into a real-life learning experience.
While gliding across the ice, students explored push and pull forces in action — pushing off to move forward and feeling the friction that slowed them down. The strong winds even added an extra challenge, demonstrating how forces like resistance and assistance impact motion.
This hands-on adventure brought science to life in the most exciting way, proving that learning can happen anywhere — even on the ice rink!