Commercial project revises plans to lessen impact on YMCA
Monroe. The board also granted conditional approval to Choco Cheese for its cold storage site.

A proposed commercial building, dubbed 208 Business Center, at the intersection of Route 208 and Gilbert Street Extension has raised some concern from the nearby YMCA. During the December 9 Monroe Village Planning Board meeting, the representative for the development, a 72,500-square-foot commercial building to include a supermarket as well as other retail, shared that the leadership at the YMCA expressed concern about the original site plan’s location of loading docks and access road, which were near the playground. The representative said that they proposed the idea of relocating the playground at the applicant’s expense, however the YMCA was not happy with that plan.
The representative said that in order to avoid future challenges associated with being near the YMCA, the applicant determined it best to re-do the site plan. He highlighted some of the differences between the old and new plan, noting that in the old plan, the proximity of the loading docks to the playground raised concerns about noise vibration. He explained that the loading docks were moved to about 200 feet away from the YMCA and that the shape of the building was changed so that they were more enclosed. The representative also noted that the revised plans enabled them to create a larger landscaped area between its property and the YMCA.
The representative confirmed that the new plans were sent to the YMCA, however a response was not received at that time.
Auto body shop
During the meeting the board continued its review of the site plan for a proposed additional office to support an existing auto body repair shop on Elm Street. Because the applicant is seeking several variances, the review process is being coordinated with the village’s Zoning Board of Appeals.
Some of the issues raised by the board and the consultants included the storage of vehicles being serviced, property screening, the site’s proximity to the Heritage Trail, and parking. Regarding parking, the board discussed whether the requirements could be met without relying on off-street parking.
The board authorized the attorney to prepare a draft negative SEQR declaration for review, which would enable the ZBA to continue with their review, for discussion at the January meeting. In addition, a public hearing for the site plan was set for January 28.
Choco Cheese
The board granted conditional site plan approval to Choco Cheese, located on 17M, for the construction of a one-story addition for cold storage. One of the conditions related to the proposed awnings on the building and ensuring that they are repaired within 60 days.
Special use permit
In addition, the board renewed the special use permit for ACP Stop n Shop Plaza. While there was discussion on whether reducing the renewal time to one year would ensure better property maintenance, the board agreed to keep the term at five years.