Business digest
Parents Run AMOC plans events during November Chester - The following events have been planned to benefit the Autism Move-A-Thon of Orange County: Two hours of skating at the Castle Fun Center in Chester on Sunday, Nov. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission: $10. Bring your own skates or blades, or skate rentals are available for $3 or blades for $4. Dine at Uno Chicago Grill in Central Valley on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 12 and 13, and 20 percent of your check will be donated to the fund. “Sweetie” at J.Ferrara Photography on Saturday, Nov. 13. From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., bring children, yourself or both and anything that’s sweet (candy, flowers, etc.) to the studio in Cornwall. Cost: $65 per sitting. Includes an 8x8 color print. No appointment needed. Call 534-5025 for more information. A Night of Giving at the Galleria at Crystal Run, from 6 to 9 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 14. Get started on holiday shopping with exclusive store discounts. Tickets: $5. Call Anne Klingner at 342-2400, ext. 253 or Natasha Tomlins at 342-2400, ext. 307. A holiday breakfast on Saturday, Dec. 4 at the Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame in Goshen. First seating: 9:30 to 11 a.m. Second seating: 11:15 a.m to 12:45 p.m. Tickets available at the door: $12, adult and $7, for children (12 and under.) For more information, visit or call Anne Klinger at 342-2400, ext. 253. Realtor news MONROE Eric Tarasoff, licensed Real Estate Broker, has recently joined ARC Realty. He has 14 years experience selling real estate in Orange and Rockland counties and licensed as a broker for 10 years. He is a member of the Orange County Association Realtors, the Great Hudson Valley MLS, the New York State Association of Realtors, the National Association of Realtors and has been a recipient of the Orange County Excellence in Sales Award. He also holds designations as an Eco Broker and a senior citizen specialist. Get a rebate for swapping your old appliances Albany Nearly $5 million in rebates is available for New Yorkers who purchase energy efficient appliances through “New York’s Great Appliance Swap Out.” a program that has provided $11.2 million in rebates to more than 114,000 New Yorkers, according to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). Although NYSERDA had announced in June that the federal funds allocated to New York had been fully reserved, $4.8 million has since been made available because approximately 25,000 individuals did not submit an application or documentation required to verify their eligibility following their purchase. The available funding, which will provide rebates of as much as $555 for purchasing three appliances, will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Consumers who reserved funds but have not completed the application process have been or are in the process of being notified that their application is incomplete. Residents reserving rebates will have 14 days from the time they reserve their rebate to mail in completed applications. The rebates are available to residents replacing old appliances with Energy Star appliances installed at a New York State residential address. Rebates for high-efficiency refrigerators, clothes washers, and freezers range from $50 to $105 for a single unit and up to $555 for the purchase of a three-appliance package of high-efficiency refrigerators, clothes washers, and dishwashers, provided on a first-come, first served basis. The program requires consumers replace old appliances, and encourages recycling by offering a larger rebate to consumers who recycle their discarded appliances. For consumer guidelines, visit Orange County seeks volunteers for 2010 senior tax assistance Goshen The Orange County Office for the Aging is now seeking volunteers to assist with the 2010 Tax Aide Program for seniors. The program provides Orange County senior citizens with tax counseling and assistance with the preparation of state and federal tax returns. The service is available at sites throughout Orange County. Last year, more than 2,000 seniors utilized this free service. Last year, more than 40 volunteers were trained and certified by the IRS and AARP, who sponsor the Tax Aide Program administered locally by the Orange County Office for the Aging. Volunteers are sought for sites in Cornwall, Town of Wallkill, New Windsor, Port Jervis, Warwick, and Washingtonville for the coming tax season. A four-hour per week commitment during tax season and attendance at training in January are required. Call Anne Coon, tax aide district oordinator, at 615-3705. New free senior information line’ is operational Albany A toll-free “Senior Information Line” has been established which allows callers statewide to access news and updates about issues of interest to them. Seniors can access the line by dialing 1-800-503-9000. All information will be available in English and Spanish. A new topic will be featured on a monthly basis. A telephone format was chosen to make the information available to the many seniors who do not use the Internet. Each month, the line will offer free information that seniors can use to stay safe, maximize their independence and improve their everyday lives. The line will cover topics such as: tips for preventing falls; how to reduce the risk of identity theft; how to avoid the latest scams; how to choose the right cell phone without busting your budget; changes to the New York Power of Attorney Law. The initial Senior Information Line message addresses how to reduce unwanted telemarketing calls and how to avoid telemarketing fraud. Nov. 9 symposium will focus on mental health Middletown The Jeanne E. Jonas Professional Development Symposium and Frank W. Masterson Memorial Banquet will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the Kuhl’s Highland House in Middletown, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The event is a collaboration among the Orange County Department of Mental Health, Orange Regional Medical Center-Arden Hill Campus and Mental Health Association in Orange County, Inc. At the banquet, the Masterson Distinguished Service Award will be presented to Susan Miller, managing director of Rehabilitation Support Services and Delores McFadden, director of Developmental Disabilities Services of Orange County Department of Mental Health. They are being recognized for their many years of dedicated, professional service, and significant contributions to the county’s mental health, developmental disabilities and chemical dependency services systems. The first Very Important Partner Award, from the mental hygiene services system as a whole, will be given to Jo Anne Gurda, assistant to the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, for her invaluable work over many years. The topic of this year’s symposium will be “You Mean I Don’t Have To Feel This Way: The Impact of the Brain, Hormones, and Reproductive Events on Women’s Mental Health.” The presenter will be Janice M. Hesler, a psychiatric nurse practitioner. The cost is $30 per person all-inclusive. For more information or reservations, call 342-2400, ext. 257 or email SUNY Orange hosts admissions open house in Newburgh on Nov. 9 MIDDLETOWN - SUNY Orange will showcase its programs and services in Newburgh during a fall admissions open house on Tuesday, Nov. 9, in the Tower Building in Washington Center. Admissions staff, student services personnel, faculty members and representatives of extra-curricular activities will be on hand from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room. Elant to host breakfast on Nov. 10 New Windsor Elant will host a complimentary breakfast, sponsored by Birchez Associates, on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at Anthony’s Pier 9 in New Windsor, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Speaker Matt Thornhill will present “The Boomer Project: How Boomers Will Transform Healthcare Forever.” Call 360-1410 to reserve a seat. Seminar on premenstrual dysphoric disorder set for Nov. 11 in Newburgh Newburgh The Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center will host a free Mood Disorder Seminar and Q&A session on Thursday, Nov. 11, from 7 to 9 p.m. at its new facility in Newburgh, at 147 Lake St. The seminar will focus on premenstrual dysphoric disorder, a common mood disorder among women, marked by severe and often debilitating depression, irritability, and anxiety symptoms before menstruation, far more severe than those seen with premenstrual syndrome. It is estimated that the disorder affects between 3 percent and 8 percent of all menstruating women. For more information visit