Commanders praise ‘outstanding' Airman Matthew Thomas-Carcamo

| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:17

Chester — Matthew Thomas-Carcamo of Goshen has embarked on a stellar Naval career since graduating from the Chester Academy in 2008. As a Seaman Recruit for the U.S. Navy, he graduated first in his basic training course out of 647 recruits. The course was held from December 2009 to February 2010 in Great Lakes, Ill. Rear Admiral C.S. Sharpe wrote Thomas-Carcamo a letter commending his “superior performance of duty.” “Seaman Recruit Thomas-Carcamo has been selected to receive the Navy Club of the United State Military Excellence Award....presented to the recruit whose total performance in Recruit Training best exemplifies the qualities of enthusiasm, devotion to duty, professional and academic achievement, military appearance and behavior, self-discipline and teamwork,” the admiral wrote. “His efforts and accomplishments during Recruit Training have earned him the admiration and respect of the officers and staff at Recruit Training Command. I take great pleasure in commending him for his outstanding performance of duty. Seaman Recruit Thomas-Carcamo’s exceptional ability and loyal devotion to duty reflected credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.” He also graduated seventh from the Avionics Technician Organizational Level Course he attended from May to July 2010 in Pensacola, Fla. As assistant class leader, he conducted personnel inspections, supervised clean-ups, marched the class to and from school, and maintained “good order and discipline” among the 18 classmates under his supervision. The commanding officer, Eugene Tillery, praised Thomas-Carcamo in a letter. “Your exemplary leadership and keen sense of responsibility reflected great credit upon you and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Navy and Marine Corps Team,” he wrote. Thomas-Carcamo is now an Aviation Electronics Technician Airman serving on the SS Abraham Lincoln. His dream is to become a Navy Seal. His career at the Chester Academy showed the promise now being realized. Upon graduating from the Chester Academy with an Advanced Regents diploma, he received the Robert L. (Chick) Coleman Award for having the most positive attitude and sportsmanship. He was also a summer intern for The Chronicle during his high school days. His mother, Vera Thomas, is a former officer with the New York Police Department. She has a brother and three cousins in the military and said Matthew is following in their footsteps. “They made me feel like I was the greatest mom with the greatest kids in the world,” she said of her three sons. Her son Andrew graduated from the Chester Academy in June, and her son Nicholas is now a senior.