Event organizers are expecting visitors from throughout the tri-state region to attend Greenwood Lake’s Annual Winter Carnival event on President’s Weekend, Feb 18-21, 2022, located at Thomas P. Morahan Waterfront Park at the foot of Windermere Ave., at the northern end of Orange County’s largest fresh water lake.
The Village has also prepared a map showing visitors where to park, how to obtain shuttle bus rides to the event, and what to expect during this three-day celebration. In addition to three days of entertainment and live music, attendees can expect: a heated stage and VIP area, a heated winter lodge with beer and food pavilion, kids activities, a petting zoo, and lots of family-minded excitement for both kids and adults.
The annual Polar Plunge, not for the faint-of-heart, is also scheduled during the festivities--a cold dip in the lake to awaken the spirit. And on Saturday night, event-goers will be treated to a special fireworks display, usually reserved for the Fourth-of-July.
For a complete schedule of events and attractions, click on VillageofGreenwoodLake.org.