Prime red apple prints
| 30 Sep 2011 | 08:31

Abstract artist Lisa Strazza has again selected an apple from a different Warwick orchard to spotlight for her watercolor apple series. This year, her choice is the prime red apples from Masker Orchards, of which 50 signed prints will be available. Lisa and John Strazza are donating 20 percent of the 2010 apple print sales to the Warwick Euceminical food pantry. The prints are printed by the artists on quality archival matte papers and are “a faithful rendition to the original watercolor.” The 2010 prints will be available for $50 each on Oct. 3 at the start of Applefest, but prints can be reserved by calling the gallery at 988-5598, stopping by the Clocktower at 65 Main St. or online at