Polish society events
Polka dance is Sept. 26 The Hudson Valley Polonaise Society will be host a fall polka dance on Sept. 26 with Matty Rock & Johnny Jay. The Pennsylvania band will feature Eddie Biegaj from 2 to 6 p.m. at the PLAV in Pine Island. For more information or reservations, call Stella at 845-291-8706. Oct. 24 set for Polonaise Ball The annual Polonaise Society Ball will be held Sun., Oct. 24 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Elk’s Lodge in Middletown with music by the Ablemen. A prime rib dinner will be served. Also, commemorating October as “Polish Heritage Month,” the Polonaise Society will be sponsoring a display of Polish artifacts, events and culture at the old Court House in Goshen. For more information on these two events, call 258-4425 or emailbasiamorgie@aol.com. Ride the bus to the Pulaski Parade Buses will be available to the Pulaski Parade in New York on Oct. 3 and will leave from the CYO in Pine Island at 10 a.m. and Florida from St. Joseph’s Church parking lot at 10:15 a.m. For more details, call 651-4265. Watercolor workshop in Florida florida The Northeast Watercolor Society is sponsoring its annual watercolor workshop, “Watercolor Essentials,” in Florida from Oct. 18 to 21 at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Main Street. Robert J. O’Brien will lead the class and focus on the essential techniques necessary to produce a good watercolor painting. Students will explore composition and value patterns and their relationship to the painting process. To learn more about O’Brien and view examples of his work, visit www.rjobrien.com. Subject matter will include landscapes, florals, and close focus motifs. Critiques will be held and class discussion will be encouraged. For fees and to register call Richard Price at 607-637-3412; or e-mail: info@northeastws.com. www.northeastws.com. Fourteenth Amendment talk at SUNY Orange Middletown Richard A. Gerber, professor of history at Southern Connecticut University, will present a free lecture on the “The Fourteenth Amendment - Its Origins and Today” at SUNY Orange’s Gilman Center for International Education on Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 7 p.m. Gerber will offers an examination of the genesis of the amendment and relates the issues of the latter half of the 19th century to current 21st century America. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1868 as a post-Civil War endeavor by the Republican Party to establish a multi-racial democracy in the former Confederate States following the Union victory. Both the origins of the movement to provide civil equality for four million African-American freed people and the intentions of the framers of the Amendment remain historically unclear. Call 341-4891 for more information.