Orange reads Poe: The Big Read

The Orange Library Association is hosting Orange Reads Poe: The Big Read. Admission to all events is free unless noted otherwise. The following is the calendar of events, from Sept. 24 to Oct. 1: Through Oct. 10 Faux Poe Contest. Write some original poetry in the style of Edgar Allan Poe. Submit your entries (up to five poems per person) by Oct. 11 for a chance to win prizes at Chester Public Library, 1784 Kings Highway, Chester. Winning poems will capture Poe’s tone, form, themes and other poetic elements. Each entry must be signed and state the entrant’s name and date of birth (age brackets will be used to determine winners). Only Chester residents are eligible to enter. Winners will be announced by Oct. 31. Call 469-4252 for more information. Sept. 24 Manga Mania for Teens. Artist Debbie Lane will instruct teens how to use the style of a graphic novel to draw illustrations for an Edgar Allan Poe story at 5 p.m. at Monroe Free Library, 44 Millpond Parkway, Monroe. Registration is limited. Call 783-4411 for more information. Sept. 28 “Poe Performances.” Film adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe’s works will be shown at 1:30 p.m. at Goshen Public Library and Historical Society, 203 Main St., Goshen. Films include “The Tell Tale Heart,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Black Cat,” “The Cask of the Amontillado” and other favorites. Registration not required. Check with the library at 294-6606 for the selection of the week. “Edgar Allan Poe: Master of Mystery.” Former SUNY Orange professor Mary Makofske will examine and discuss Edgar Allan Poe’s Dupin mystery stories at 7 p.m. at Middletown Thrall Library 11-19 Depot St., Middletown. Attendees will have read these three short stories prior to the discussion: The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Mystery of Marie Roget, and The Purloined Letter. Call 341-5454, Ext. 5479 for information. Sept. 29 “The Power of Poe’s PoeTree.” Staged readings of Poe’s poetry and the poetry of poets influenced by Poe - Antonin Artaud, Charles Baudelaire, Stephane Mallarme, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Jim Morrison and David J. Phillips IV - will take place at 7 p.m. at Goshen Public Library and Historical Society, 203 Main St., Goshen. Call 294-6606 for information. “Sound Plus Sense: The Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe.” Kevin McFadden will read and discuss the poems of Edgar Allan Poe at 7 p.m. at Josephine-Louise Public Library, 5 Scofield St., Walden. Registration not required. Call 778-7621 for more information. Oct. 1 “Dark Art” Student Exhibit. Student art inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s works will be on display during library hours through Oct. 31 at Greenwood Lake Public Library, 79 Waterstone Road, Greenwood Lake. Call 477-8377 for information. Countywide Art Exhibit. A countywide art show featuring works based on the themes of Edgar Allan Poe will be on view through Oct. 29 at the Orange County Government Center, Main St.. Goshen. For more information, call 563-3646. Student Art Show. A student art show with works based on themes related to Poe works will be exhibited during library hours through Oct. 22 at Newburgh Free Library, 124 Grand St., Newburgh. Call 563-3646 for more information. The Big Read Art Exhibit. An exhibit of art inspired by the works of Edgar Allan Poe by students and Debbie Lane will be on display through Oct. 6 at the Lycian Centre, 1351 Kings Highway, Sugar Loaf. For more information, call 563-3646. Kickoff: David Keltz as Edgar Allan Poe. Actor David Keltz will perform as Edgar Allan Poe, the master of mystery and macabre, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lycian Centre Pavilion, 1351 Kings Highway, Sugar Loaf. Call 986-1047 for more information. See for more information.