Learn about lyricism with Paul Siegel

Songwriter, guitarist and singer and Warwick resident Paul Siegel will offer a course on “Lyricism-the Art of the Song Poem” as part of the fall curriculum of the Northeast Poetry Center located at the College of Poetry on West Street in Warwick. Siegel has been writing songs since the age of 10 in the folk, rock and jazz genres and toured the country in many performing bands. The course will include the general differences and similarities between lyrics and poetry; the history of the song lyric and how it has served a major role in evolving societies; the craft of writing song lyrics; and how much knowledge of music is needed. Siegel’s colleagues will also be guest lecturers. Tuition is $150 and his class begins Thursday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. For more information, call 544-2803 for more information.