A variety of events coming to Sterling Forest in July
Tuxedo Park. Events include a lecture, a book signing and a hike to Augusta Mine.

The Friends of Sterling Forest (F.S.F.) - a non-profit organization established to protect and preserve the great legacy of natural resources and historical treasures within Sterling Forest State Park – has announced the following events on tap for July:
Friends of Sterling Forest Monthly Meeting Sunday, July 2 at 12 p.m. - The Friends of Sterling Forest Executive Board will meet to discuss current and upcoming projects, activities and events. All F.S.F. members are welcome to attend.
The Art of Coexistence, How You and I Can Save the World (Ilchi Lee with Steve Kim) Book Talk and Signing on July 2 at 1 p.m. - Humans are now facing multiple global problems. The key to solving these challenges is coexistence, which is based on the understanding that all life is interconnected. Hear co-author Steve Kim speak on how we can apply the qualities of conscience, empathy, and the ability to reflect to our lives for creating a world of harmony and coexistence. Steve Kim is a writer, educator, and life-long practitioner of mindfulness and sustainable living. Ilchi Lee is a visionary and New York Times bestselling author who has penned more than 40 books which have helped millions of people expand and tap their true potential. Join us for a book talk and signing presented by co-author Steve Kim. Books are available for purchase for $22 cash.
Book Signing with Ed Lenik on July 9 at 1 p.m. - Celebrate the publication of “Archaeologist and Author Ed Lenik’s newest book, Stories from an Archaeologist’s Notebook: Folk Tales and Memories of the People and Places in the Ramapo Mountains.” The book will be available to purchase for $20 (cash or check only).
Augusta Mine Hike on July 23 beginning at 1 p.m. - Join Doc Bayne and the F.S.F. for an easy walk to the Augusta Mine, which provided ore to the Southfields Furnace in the mid 1800’s. Meet at the Caretaker’s Lot on Long Meadow Road for this two to three-hour walk through beautiful Sterling Forest. Wear footwear appropriate for hiking on uneven terrain and bring water and snacks. Walk will include stops along the way to interpret natural and historic features. As hunting is allowed in portions of Sterling Forest State Park, we suggest wearing hunter orange or bright colors other than white during the hunting season.
All events will meet at the Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Visitor Center, 116 Old Forge Road in Tuxedo Park.
The events are open to the public and free of charge, however, a $5 donation per person would be greatly appreciated. Advance registration is mandatory for all programs. Please call the park 845-351-5907 to register.
For more information, email friendsofsterlingforest@gmail.com.