'Vote for those sincerely interested in Woodbury's future' on Nov. 7

| 05 Oct 2017 | 02:00

    Dear Woodbury residents,
    My name is Robert Hunter and I’m seeking re-election to the Woodbury Town Board. Over the years I have volunteered my time to many civic and EMS organizations in Woodbury in an effort to help those in need. I have lived my entire life here and I am seeking ways to maintain and to continue improving the Woodbury way of life.
    The experience gained from being on the Town Board for four years will enable me to continue to make the best decisions for the future of Woodbury.
    I want to be able to follow through with ongoing improvements to our Police Department, Parks and Recreation, Library, Court and Town Hall facilities.
    I have a good working relationship with my fellow board members and the Village Board.
    This is not a job for people with over-inflated egos, vendettas or personal gain.
    This November 7th, don’t worry about party politics. This is about your immediate life style in Woodbury.
    Vote for those sincerely interested in Woodbury’s future. Look for the “Common Sense” party line. I’ll be there and I’ll be there for you.
    Robert Hunter
    Woodbury resident