The Common Sense candidates: 'Putting people ahead of politics and reducing your bottom line'

| 26 Oct 2017 | 01:41

    As I have been knocking on doors and campaigning throughout Woodbury, many people have told me how happy, excited and relieved they are to know that Supervisor Sutz, Councilman Hunter and I are still on November’s ballot.
    We, along with our supporters secured a second line on the ballot back in August after walking our independent petitions.
    Voters will find us, the town candidates together with the village candidates, Mayor Queenan and Trustees Flood and Egan on Row I of the ballot, the Common Sense line.
    On this bottom line, you will find a mix of Democrats and Republicans who have a proven record of working together, putting people ahead of politics and reducing your bottom line.
    Please remember to exercise your precious right to vote on Tuesday, November 7th.
    Respectfully yours,
    Sandra (Sandy) Capriglione
    Central Valley