Thankful and hopeful

| 28 Dec 2017 | 05:58

    As 2017 comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Councilman Gerard McQuade and Supervisor Harley Doles for their service to the Town of Monroe. They are leaving office and I wish them the best in all their future endeavors.
    Supervisor Doles and Councilman McQuade are leaving office but I would like to highlight some of their accomplishments:
    The variety of paddle boats at the boathouse increased revenue and became a positive community activity for all residents in the Town.
    TMACC, though controversial at first, has made a positive impact on the residents by showing blockbuster movies and suppling the residents with a local venue for family celebrations whether it is a birthday party, anniversary party, or a place for friends to gather in celebration. Low ticket prices allowed families to see a movie and continue their night at one of the many eateries in Monroe.
    They kept the town taxes low and our fund balance of close to 5 million dollars is impressive.
    The Town of Monroe will have many challenges in the next year - and those challenges will continue in the future. The new Town of Palm being formed will have financial costs, reduced services and impacts to the Town of Monroe. Some of these impacts are yet to be known.
    Best of luck to the new board members and the new supervisor. 2018 will be challenging but please remember the Town of Monroe residents are counting on you to meet those challenges with our best interests in mind.
    Again, thank you Supervisor Doles and Councilman McQuade. Good luck in all you do.
    Christine Tucker
    Monroe resident