Supporting Tom Flood's re-election to Woodbury Village Board

| 12 Oct 2017 | 05:42

    We are certainly living in a unique time in the history of American politics. Our nation’s focus must return to setting policy and away from political personalities. We need to elect those who we can trust, who care about us and will focus on passing laws that ensure our safety and financial solvency.
    Locally, Woodbury has such a candidate, Thomas Flood. As a Village Trustee, Tom has time and again proven to be a caring, compassionate and concerned member of our village board. He relies on logic, research and feedback from constituents to vote on issues that come before the board.
    Our national and state leaders would do themselves a service if they emulated local leaders, like Tom Flood, when making their decisions to establish policies and laws.
    I am going to re-elect Tom Flood to the Village Board. I really hope that you will as well.
    Dr. Carl Gold
    Highland Mills