Supporting the re-election of Jim Purcell and Wayne Chan

| 15 Mar 2018 | 03:47

    I understand there are others running for Mayor and Trustees in the Village of Monroe, but I personally would like to urge the voters to again reelect Jim Purcell for Mayor and Wayne Chan for trustee.
    Having been born, raised and graduated in 1956 from Monroe-Woodbury I have been fully aware of the changes in our village over the years.
    At present we have two very dedicated and honorable people serving us and I could not be more proud of them. Their commitment to keep taxes low along while continuing to improve services and operations has been ongoing.
    Just to mention a few things accomplished through leadership by Jim and Wayne include 2.6 million grant dollars for the Mill Pond Dam restoration, North Main Street sidewalks and Lake Street improvements around the intersection, which is in line with the Village Comprehensive Plan.
    Another important accomplishment, working with Steve Neuhaus to extend the Heritage Trail through the village using the County and Village DPW employees to accomplish it.
    I feel remiss if I don’t mention the wonderful summer concerts and summer fest carnival they brought to the community.
    What a shame that social media with all the various trolls ranting and raving about anything and everything with or without facts just destroy good people with their own personal agenda.
    Fred Cocks