Supporting Carey Alley for trustee

| 08 Mar 2018 | 01:47

    Spring is around the corner and soon we will see flowers and political signs popping up on the road side. I hope that you will take the time to meet and speak with the candidates that are running for the Village Board.
    And, most importantly, I hope that all village residents will take the time to cast their ballot.
    I am not a Village of Monroe constituent, yet as an area resident I wish to voice my support for Carey Alley for trustee. I met Ms. Alley more than six years ago. She was a volunteer with the Monroe Girl Scouts. She was a troop leader, which requires a set of special skills of its very own; but Carey was also an event chairwoman.
    At the time she used her creative talents to help girls on stage during the annual Brownie Revue that promotes girls to be courageous and creative.
    Since then I have had the pleasure of working with Carey on a good number of events. She has demonstrated her ability to take a complicated process and make it workable for all the volunteers.
    Carey has never steered away from shouldering a lot of the work herself; and if she doesn’t have the solution to a problem she is willing to go out and ask questions of others until a workable solution is achieved.
    I most respect Ms. Alley for her dedication to the young people in her community. She has continued to work with the Girl Scout Unit even after her own daughter and troop have ceased participating.
    I think that Carey is sincere and has practical insights into the needs of the village. Her willingness to examine the issues and listen closely to all everyone’s questions and concerns sets her in the forefront of the other candidates.
    I know she is enthusiastic to pursue more ways to partner businesses and volunteer/civic organizations that will benefit all the residents.
    I am certain that, like a good scout, Ms. Alley is certain to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, use resources wisely and to make her world a better place.
    Tanya Woods