Support for Sandra Capriglione for Woodbury Town Board

| 12 Oct 2017 | 05:41

    It is with great pleasure and conviction that I am writing on behalf of Sandra Capriglione and her candidacy for the Town of Woodbury Board.
    I have known Sandy for many years, both professionally and personally. She is a most impressive woman whose work ethic, experience and knowledge of the issues facing her community are second to none. It is imperative that a positive solution to these issues be achieved in order for Woodbury to remain a viable and attractive community for both current and potential future residents.
    Sandy has served with distinction and courage on the Zoning Board of Appeals for five years and is currently a valued and productive member of the Planning Board.
    While a resident of the Town of Highlands, she was an active member of the Democratic Committee, contributing time and valuable input to numerous successful elections.
    What I respect most about Sandy is that she is independent in thought and action and beholden to no one. Her steadfast refusal to play "follow the leader" of political organizations and kow tow to party bosses who have their own dubious agenda have earned her the admiration of many.
    I strongly urge all voters in the Town of Woodbury, regardless of party affiliation, who are looking for a candidate with determination, integrity, knowledge and love of community to cast their ballot on Election Day for Sandra Capriglione. You will be glad you did!
    Very truly yours,
    Inga M. Quaintance
    Former mayor, Village of Highland Falls
    Former supervisor, Town of Highlands