Sandra Capriglione is 'more than qualified' for Woodbury Town Council

| 19 Oct 2017 | 02:51

    Usually my wife and I stay out of the political fray. This year we feel we need to speak up and show our support for one candidate in particular, Sandra Capriglione for Woodbury Town Council.
    I have lived my entire life in Woodbury, raised my family and operated our business in this town. I have seen our community go through many changes.
    However, one constant for several years has been the commitment Sandy Capriglione has put into volunteering, staying informed about our town and standing up for our neighborhoods.
    I've watched her on TV for years speaking publicly to the boards, questioning decisions, offering suggestions for needed code changes and warning of potential dangers from the KJ and Pilgrim pipelines.
    She has done this all on her own because she cares about Woodbury.
    Now she is asking for our votes so that she may actually be part of the decision-making process and I can’t think of anyone more prepared and qualified to take on that job than Sandy Capriglione.
    Please join me in voting for Sandy on the Common Sense line on Nov. 7th.
    Michael J. DeVenuto Jr.