'Preserve two of the treasures of the Village of Monroe: Wayne Chan and Jimmy Purcell'
Politicians are like diapers and need to be changed frequently, usually for the same reason.
However, true public servants should be held onto with both hands as they are a rare commodity.
We, in the Village of Monroe, are extremely fortunate to have Wayne Chan as our village trustee. He is the definition of a true public servant.
As a trustee, he was the only one to refuse a raise last year. He has an impeccable attendance record at village meetings – both regular and special. He is an integral part of the budget process and works diligently to keep taxes low without sacrificing the services that we have come to rely upon, or cutting corners when it comes to preserving the infrastructure of our village.
Wayne is receptive to the voices of the people of the Village of Monroe. He is beholden to no special interest group and takes no campaign donations. He and his running partner, Mayor Purcell, are completely self-financed.
Trustee Chan and Mayor Purcell are running on their records. As always, you will see a campaign run on their accomplishments, such as:
• Modernizing the water plant – thereby lessening the need for overtime and extra person hours.
• Upgrading the intersection in the center of the village
• Creation of the Village Court and prosecutor, which cuts down on police overtime and helps enforce our building codes
• Creation of a Department of Public Works, which utilizes highway and water department personnel interchangeably
•Reviewed and updated zoning laws, just to name a few.
Outside of his role as trustee, Mr. Chan is a very active member of the Monroe Volunteer Ambulance Corps. He devotes countless hours every year to our community. Wayne has taken over 3000 calls, he is a CPR instructor and the Past President.
Presently, Wayne oversees the Junior members. His dedication to the youth of our corps, and community is unparalleled.
He is also a volunteer with the National Ski Patrol, where he also serves as an instructor.
In closing, we urge you to preserve two of the treasures of the Village of Monroe: Wayne Chan and Jimmy Purcell, two dedicated public servants whose only special interest is the quality of life in our village.
Jeff and Nancy Peifer
Lifelong village residents