Neil Dwyer 'walks the walk'
My family moved to the Village of Monroe in 2010.
Since then, I’ve attended multiple Board of Trustee meetings. I can say without a doubt that Trustee Dwyer has worked continuously for the betterment of the Village.
He worked diligently with Chief Conklin to procure the school zone and flashing beacons on North Main Street. He made certain the flashing lights were solar, further reducing the long term cost to tax payers.
While the current Mayor fought hard to change zoning in the North Main Street corridor to URM (Urban Residential Multi-Family) zoning, Trustee Dwyer refused to go along with that terrible zoning change.
Thanks to Trustee Dwyer lobbying his Board he was able to gain the support of Trustees’ Conklin and Behringer, the area remains SR10.
Trustee Dwyer negotiated two Village of Monroe Police Department contracts, protecting both the Village and MPD.
Trustee Dwyer is a passionate advocate for preserving history and led the effort to acquire the Roscoe Smith Estate property along Lakes Rd. Each year he works with the M-W Garden Club planting and maintaining flower beds throughout the Village.
He doesn’t just talk the talk; he walks the walk. His accomplishments are many and his dedication to our community is unsurpassed. Trustee Dwyer is clearly the best choice for our next mayor.
If you, too, want a better Village of Monroe vote Neil Dwyer for Mayor, Carey Alley and Dorey Houle for Village Trustees. I hope everyone votes Smart Growth Party line on March 20th.
Tammy Rao