Neil Dwyer announces his bid for Monroe Village mayor

| 01 Feb 2018 | 04:11

    As a resident of the Village since 1987 I have come to know so many of our residents through my parish, Sacred Heart Church, my business and my community involvement over these many years.
    Married to Georgette, lifelong resident and local business owner of Sister Act Nail & Hair Salon.
    Our son, Neil Jr., is a graduate at the University of Miami and a broadcast journalist.
    In 2014 I was elected to the Village board to serve as a Village Trustee and proudly serve to this day.
    I completely enjoy meeting with and speaking about concerns and ideas for our village with our residents. I firmly believe that we have locally the very best opportunity to effectuate the most positive changes in our daily lives and I am committed to that work.
    I started my construction business based in Monroe in 1983. In my industry, the clear lesson I have learned is that you need to have a good ear and eye to hear and see what the client is asking of you and to meet and exceed their expectations.
    In growing my business, I have come to appreciate this important lesson, as it has played a part in all aspects of my life, and I firmly believe it plays a critical role in continuing our work for all the people of the Village of Monroe.
    My civic-minded attitude, given by my parents, has allowed me to seek, participate and support my community. Having served as Cub Scout Assistant Pack Leader #340, Boy Scout Assistant Troop Leader #440, past Finance Chairman of Sacred Heart School, past Board Member of the Burke Catholic Development Committee, past Treasurer of the Burke Catholic Parent Club, I have served on the Village of Monroe Architectural Appearance Review Board.
    Currently, I serve on the Monroe-Woodbury Crusader Community Coalition, serve our beloved MW Garden Club and am a member of the executive board of United Monroe.
    As a parishioner and teacher of religious education at Sacred Heart Church, my family has had many opportunities to bring positive and sustainable change to all of Monroe for today and the future.
    On March 20th Election Day here in the Village you will vote for a Mayor and two Trustee positions. I ask you to consider my slate of candidates: Carey Alley and Dorey Houle for Trustees and Neil Dwyer for Mayor.
    We pledge to bring our energy, respect and work ethic to the position of mayor and trustee and will be steadfast and diligent in dealing with the challenges we face here in the Village of Monroe for all our residents today and in planning for the future.
    Neil Dwyer