Monroe Volunteer Ambulance Corps challenges town attorney's position regarding contracts

| 01 Feb 2018 | 04:11

    We, the dedicated volunteers of the Monroe Volunteer Ambulance corps, take exception to the comments made by the town's attorney and published in an article in The Photo News last week.
    Embedded in your coverage of the Town Board meeting, there was a comment from Brian Nugent, the town attorney. He stated that the ambulance corps had refused to sign contracts with the town since 2016.
    Quite the contrary. The ambulance corps has submitted signed, notarized contracts for the years 2016 and 2017.
    Both went unsigned by the town.
    He further states that the ambulance corps has not turned over financial statements to the town.
    Again, an inaccurate statement.
    The town is in receipt of all financial information to date. The Ambulance Corps is a legitimate 501(C)3 not-for-profit agency.
    Additionally, Tony Cardone met with us at our building last year so that he could become familiar with our finances. He was quite impressed with what he found and publicly stated that fact at a board meeting.
    We are presenting the board with yet another signed, notarized contract, this time for 2018. We are hoping that they will sign.
    As always, the Monroe Volunteer Ambulance corps continues to provide high quality professional service to the residents of the Town of Monroe.
    Nancy Peifer
    Monroe Volunteer Ambulance Corps President