'Left out in the cold ...'

| 08 Feb 2018 | 02:01

    Last November, an overwhelming majority of Monroe voters easily passed a referendum which created the new town of Palm Tree.
    It was a tumultuous time politically in our town, but most seemed reasonably assured that the unaccountable political organization which negotiated the new town had everything under control; they were confident that this agreement, although not perfect, would give us political freedom from the “bloc vote.”
    As part of the agreement, the original petitioners for the 507-acre annexation would agree to suspend all legal action in pursuit of that land.
    Unfortunately, not all the parties to this lawsuit have agreed to this stipulation. It seems they were gerrymandered out of the new town, which would have given them the same zoning advantages they were seeking with the original annexation.
    One can fully appreciate the angst of these excluded homeowners, especially since there was a pretty good chance the 507-acre law suit would have been successful. It’s like buying the winning lottery ticket with your co-workers and finding out afterward they made a deal with workers from another company, leaving you out in the cold.
    How then does the new Town Board objectively address the concerns of those petitioners excluded from the new town for political expediency, recognizing it was their own political party who privately negotiated that land deal, which basically usurped the rights of those petitioners?
    Tom Lapolla