Karl seeks to regain mayor's seat in Monroe

| 15 Mar 2018 | 03:48

    To the residents and voters in the Village of Monroe,
    My name is John M. Karl III and I am asking for your support for Mayor on March 20 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Village Hall located at 7 Stage Road.
    I have over 37 years of Village Government experience and have actively been attending board meetings for many years, not just before an election start showing up taking notes.
    Regarding the Village "needs new vision," one must look around and see the violations including the rear of the downtown areas we seem to be focused on and ask why garbage Dumpsters are not in enclosures and scattered about, wood pallets and garbage building up in parking lot behind the Village Hall as well as rear of Town Court on Lake Street.
    I will make sure the codes/ordinances will be enforced equally and fairly across all of the village. When you come to place your vote park behind the Village Hall and see for yourself the disgrace.
    I will continue to address senior citizen affordable housing which will keep the fabric of our village, our seniors here in Monroe where they can afford to stay. I will nominate deserving seniors for Orange County Senior of the Year awards which I did while I was mayor.
    I am proud to have served as mayor from 2006-2010 and dealt with financial problems which were addressed and dealt with by a united Village Board, which included a $750,000 deficit in the water fund as well as a $250,000 grant which in the end only received $52,000. The village had a serious financial crisis on its hands but we got through it.
    When I came in as mayor fund balance had approximately $102,000 and when I left office we had over $700,000. Those were not glamorous times but we managed to get things taken care of. We had an agreement in place on the Roscoe Smith property but litigation from a neighboring property delayed and then the 2008 economic downfall put the deal on the back burner.
    You will find some on social media united over fact versus fiction and want you to believe that I didn’t do anything as your mayor. My record speaks for itself of where we were when I was elected mayor to when I left office and I am proud of that.
    I'm on Face Book Concerned Citizens, John M. Karl III for Mayor, Village of Monroe, and you can see my platform and commitment to the Village of Monroe as a lifelong resident. I proudly serve in the Monroe Fire Department/Mombasha Fire Company for over 40 years, responding to over 12,000 calls and still going strong. I served as chief from 1994-1999.
    It's time for a choice and not a one-party system running all of Monroe. We need village residents to unite and give support to those who never accepted a bloc-vote or brokered back room deals or endorsed by groups who have.
    For that, I ask you to support myself on Row B Concerned Citizens.
    Thanking you in advance,
    John M. Karl III
    Candidate for mayor