'Information is the key for making an informed decision'

| 28 Sep 2017 | 06:54

    While I am optimistic about receiving accurate information pertaining to the New Town of Palm Tree, I do not agree the UM (UMDMKJ alliance leadership) should be addressing the public at the meetings on October 11 and 18, 2017 at the Town of Monroe Arts and Civic Center.
    The political party has a vested interest in the separation. The agreement is between them and Kiryas Joel.
    The political party that supports this separation has many venues to put out the information. They have and I am sure will continue to use all of their venues to have the residents involved in this vote say yes.
    It would be beneficial to have some of the chairs of Monroe Boards and other key department heads at the meeting to answer questions on the issue, including one board in particular, the Monroe Conservation Commission. They could speak to the residents in reference to the impacts, including environmental, they believe will occur should the separation be approved by the voters.
    The town should use all the resources they have such as the assessor, comptroller, planning board, finance department ( and the company that was hired to review the impact) to supply the information to the residents.
    Information is the key for making an informed decision. These meetings should not be a platform for a political party to secure votes. It should be a meeting for residents to be informed.
    Thank you,
    Christine Tucker