In support of Bruce Robert Furbeck for Monroe Town Justice

| 02 Nov 2017 | 02:36

    In support of Bruce Robert Furbeck, my daughter and I respectively ask that you support him on November 7th in his campaign for Monroe Town Justice. Further, we ask that you take a moment to please read our explanation as to why he deserves your support.
    Rob grew up in Monroe. He went through the entire Monroe-Woodbury School system. During and for many years after those school age years, he also worked long, committed hours in his family’s local service station.
    Rob has been a dedicated volunteer firefighter in Monroe for more than 30 years. In addition, he served 21 years with the New York State Police. Most of that career was right here in the Monroe Barracks, spending more than six years there as the Station Commander.
    Now, after retiring from the State Police, he has just started his third school year driving a school bus for Monroe-Woodbury.
    Rob is the most loyal, committed and honest person that we have ever known. He takes great pride and has put tremendous effort into his police and fire service, as well as into the tremendous responsibility of transporting Monroe’s children every school day.
    We know that he will do the same as your town justice. It is not just the knowledge, experience, and common sense that he possesses, but also the desire to help others and his community.
    Rob has worked and interacted with people from all walks of life, both in good circumstances and in bad.
    Rob holds no political affiliations and has independently run his own campaign.
    He has a lifetime vested interest in Monroe, and will bring fairness, care, commitment, and impartiality to the courtroom. You can put your utmost trust in his ability to proudly and honorably serve the Town of Monroe as Justice.
    Thank you.
    Michele and Courtney Furbeck