David Sutz 'will continue to use my tax dollars wisely'

| 26 Oct 2017 | 01:41

    In the twenty-two months that Supervisor David Sutz has been in office, I have seen two important changes.
    The first is that under David's leadership our two governmental bodies, the Town and Village, seem to finally be communicating well and working together.
    In the past, it seemed that the two boards were on different pages, and not as nearly as cooperative with each other as they are now.
    For example, in working with the village, David was able to renegotiate the Frontier phone agreement to consolidate services, identify and eliminate unused and defunct phone lines and save taxpayers more than $13,000.
    Collaborative efforts with the Village also make the Woodburys stronger and more united in their efforts to protect our borders and natural resources, and avoids duplicity of time and services.
    The second change is that thanks to David’s business acumen, he reviewed the budgets, removed waste and reapportion our tax dollars. There have been new hires to the police department, as well as additional staffing for the buildings and grounds department, the animal control department and the Senior Center.
    Together with the support of the entire board, there have been significant courtroom renovations, and the Gasho property is in the final stages of demolition.
    Although David’s “bottom line” business approach may not suit everyone, his ability to efficiently allocate our tax dollars and properly fund all departments while lowering our tax bill each year is certainly welcomed.
    I am happy to support the re-election of David Sutz as Town of Woodbury Supervisor on November 7th, as I believe he will continue to use my tax dollars wisely while looking for ways to continuously improve life in Woodbury.
    Vic Ferrarelli