David Sutz 'has proven to be a compassionate leader'

| 12 Oct 2017 | 05:41

    I wholeheartedly support David Sutz for re-election as the Town of Woodbury Supervisor.
    I’ve had the opportunity to work side-by-side with David the past ten years that we have served as fellow EMT volunteers at Woodbury Community Ambulance.
    I have always been extremely impressed with his articulate, dedicated, intelligent and caring nature.
    These attributes undoubtedly spill over into his endeavors as the Town of Woodbury Supervisor.
    David has worked tirelessly to fight for what he believes in and his concern is always the betterment of our community.
    David has proven to be a compassionate leader who truly listens to the concerns of Woodbury residents and works hard to bring about positive and meaningful change.
    I strongly urge you to join me in supporting David so that he can continue to make our town a place we are proud to call “home."
    Debbie Vobroucek
    Highland Mills