Bruce Robert Furbeck 'knows the law and is a fair and honest person'

| 26 Oct 2017 | 01:38

    I am writing this letter to show my support for Bruce Robert Furbeck for Monroe Town Justice.
    I have known Rob Furbeck for his entire life since he was born, raised and is still a resident of Monroe.
    I’ve seen him grow up working at his family business and I’ve watched him climb the ranks of the New York State Police.
    I have also served with him as a volunteer firefighter in the Mombasha Fire Company.
    Bruce Robert Furbeck knows what it is like to work hard and has earned the respect of many people. His many years in law enforcement have taught him the skills and has given him the experience that is needed to perform the duties of Monroe Town Justice.
    He knows the law and is a fair and honest person.
    Please vote on November 7th for Bruce Robert Furbeck for Monroe Town Justice. With his dedication to the Town of Monroe, his fairness to people and his knowledge of the law, he will do a great job for our town.
    David C. Board