Bo Haviland thanks the constituents of Woodbury

| 19 Oct 2017 | 02:49

    Citizens of Woodbury:
    I first wish to thank those that voted in the recent Democratic Primary that determined who would represent your party in the upcoming General Elections. Your efforts are very appreciated.
    The opposition that was decrying that we were attempting to rid this election of competition was in actually attempting just that.
    They had already positioned themselves under another line on the ballot and were hopeful of ending the election in September.
    On Tuesday, Nov. 7, all registered voters will have a chance to make a choice for leadership within Woodbury for both the town and the village.
    It will be a choice between the current administrations that attempted to instill their will upon the people of Woodbury on the creation of their exuberant municipal building versus the group that resisted the current administrations’ action by forcing a referendum, ultimately defeating their desires by a margin of 3 to 1.
    There has not been any serious effort to bring up the subject again since.
    Needless to say, this whole affair has left a bad taste in me. That is why I am seeking your vote and eventual seat on the Woodbury Town Council. I intend to ensure that the people of this community have a say in any large capital expenditures before such actions proceed; not after.
    I know how a council should work, having been your town councilman once before between 2008 and 2011.
    I know how a council should communicate their action to the people.
    I know how a council should perform and yet keep costs down and pare down the debt.
    I know.
    For those of you who are reading this that are concerned Republicans; I share that concern. Even though you do not have any “endorsed” candidates for either the town or the village boards, I believe that I and my fellow candidates on Row A possess those attributes and idealisms that you should feel comfortable with when voting for me and them.
    For Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Conservative, Unaffiliated, and the like: My goal is to represent all the people of Woodbury and not just a select few.
    On Nov. 7, please vote Row A of Palermo, Hernandez, Haviland, Leandry and Freiband.
    Amidee T. (Bo) Haviland III
    Your candidate for Woodbury Town Council