Audra Schwarz 'holds the interests of Monroe residents, now and for future generations'

| 02 Nov 2017 | 02:36

    I would like to share why I believe Audra Schwarz should be elected Monroe Town Justice and deserves your vote. I am a 25-year resident of Monroe, Town Planning Board member, Smith Clove Park commissioner, former Village of Monroe Public Works superintendent, husband and father of three children.
    Audra and I have been friends for many years. It would be very easy to only tell you about her aptitude, high credentials and qualifications. But I would like to share with you the personal side of Audra. The side you may not see on her resume, but you would easily discover after spending time with her - the part of her that makes me truly believe that she has the heart and dedication required to fulfill the position of town justice.
    Audra is an awesome mother, wife and friend. She is always inclusive, she is open to different perspectives, but she doesn’t tolerate cheap comments. She has picked my kids up at school and come to my house to check up on my family when I have been out of town. She’s been there for me and my family, in good times and bad. And she is able to unselfishly balance her personal life while maintaining her focus on the Town Planning Board and running her own business.
    As Planning Board chair, she rectified serious financial issues that had plagued the Planning Board for years, and she created procedures to insure those same financial issues don’t occur again. When we found that the filing hadn’t been done in the Planning office for years, Audra rolled up her sleeves, took time off from work and time away from her family on weekends and got the job done. Audra took this work on because she is dedicated to doing the right thing and doing it well. That’s what she does.
    If you come to our Planning Board meetings or watch her on Channel 22, you will see her abilities in action. She communicates effectively, keeps everyone involved, asks thoughtful questions and leads by consensus. It isn’t always easy because there are so many stakeholders that are part of the process. But the bottom line is that she holds the bottom line, that is the interests of Monroe residents, now and for future generations.
    Beyond her dedication and well-grounded abilities, she is also a practicing attorney. She is highly educated, understands the legal system, and owns her own legal practice. It is really quite remarkable that she can accomplish so much and yet be such a great, down-to-earth, genuine friend ready to help at any time. She is the best person for this job. Please vote for Audra Schwartz for Monroe Town Justice.
    Anthony Vaccaro