Audra Schwartz 'is dedicated to our community'
I have known Audra Schwartz for many years and I am certain that she is the best candidate for Monroe Town Justice.
I urge Monroe residents to attend a Town Planning Board meeting (Audra serves as chairwoman) or watch one on Cable 22.
You will see what I have come to know about Audra - she has the exact qualities we need in a Town Justice:
She listens closely to what you have to say, she keeps an open mind and she’s not quick to judgment.
She is a true fact finder. She analyzes situations without preconceived notions.
When she discusses her thoughts on an issue, she does it respectfully.
Audra is down to earth and explains complicated issues in a way that everyone can understand.
She’s efficient but thorough and always fair.
And most important, she’s dedicated to our community.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I believe it’s important to give back to the community.
In our very difficult political climate, Audra has worked long, hard hours to bring a high level of expertise, civility, credibility and dignity to our town government.
I know she does this because she deeply cares about Monroe. She has gained my respect and admiration, she has my vote and she deserves your vote on November 7th.
Charles Pakula