Woodbury bulletin board
Highland Mills - The following information comes from the monthly newsletter published and distributed by Woodbury Town Councilman James Skoufis: Local government Village elections are Tuesday, March 15, polls are open from noon to 9 p.m. on the top floor of the Highland Mills Firehouse. All eligible Village of Woodbury residents are designated to vote at the firehouse. In addition to electing a village mayor and two trustees, there will be three propositions on the ballot: 1. To change village elections from March to June; 2. To change the term length of village mayor from two to four years; and 3. To change the term length of village trustee from two to four years. The Village of Woodbury scheduled a public hearing on Feb. 8 to hear input on increasing the fines for outdoor watering during times of restriction. Thanks and farewell It is with deep regret that the town recently accepted the resignation of Parks Director Gilda Brennan. “She has been a mainstay in the parks department for countless years and her service and dedication to our town, especially our local children, will be sorely missed. We all wish her the very best going forward,” Skoufis wrote in his newsletter. Snow If you run into any weather-related issues that the town may be able to assist you with, please call the supervisor’s office at 928-7578, the highway department at 928-6912 and we will do our best to help however we can. In addition to removing cars from the street, be reminded that garbage bins should not be left at the end of driveways while the town crews plow. Calendar Saturday, Feb. 12: The Woodbury Community Association and Women of Woodbury host their annual Heart Dance from 7:30-11:30 p.m. at the Falkirk Country Club in Central Valley. All profits go to the American Heart Association. Tickets are $150 per couple includes cocktail hour, full dinner and top shelf open bar. It’s not too late to get tickets; for more information or to RSVP, e-mail Skoufis at james@skoufisforwoodbury.com or call 347-406-3387. Monday, Feb. 21: Presidents’ day. Friday-Sunday, March 25 to 27: The Monroe-Woodbury High School Drama Club presents the musical “Hairspray.” Shows are at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 1 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets will be available at the high school from 6 to 8 p.m. on March 15, 17 and 24 and from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on March 23. All tickets will contain seat numbers; any remaining tickets will be sold at the door starting one hour prior to each show. “Our school shows are always tremendously well-done and offer a great opportunity for the community to support our students,” the councilman said.