Woodbury Boy Scout Troop 149 will hold a flag retirement ceremony
Woodbury-On Saturday, June 12,, Boy Scout Troop 149 will hold a flag retirement ceremony at the Woodbury Gatehouse on Smith Clove Road from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The public is invited to this patriotic event which honors our nation's flag and all that it stands for by officially disposing of old flags through this wonderful ceremony. One flag that will be retired is one donated by the Woodbury Historical Society that has been hanging on the town flagpole since September 11, 2001. The donated flags to be retired will be honored, precisely cut, and then laid over an open fire. Afterwards, the public is invited to tour a patriotic display in the Woodbury Gatehouse done by the Woodbury Historical Society, visit demonstration areas related to scouting and have a free hot dog and refreshment provided by the Woodbury Community Association. Woodbury Cub Scout Pack 148 and the American Legion Woodbury Post 779 will also be participating. All boys interested in scouting are encouraged to attend.