Students Supporting Our Soldiers need your help
Please allow us to introduce ourselves. We are members of Students Supporting Our Soldiers, an extracurricular group at Monroe-Woodbury High School. Our goals are to maintain awareness for the armed services that protect American freedom. In doing so, we also aim to promote active, engaged, democratic citizenship. This year, we are working on two major projects: one in the fall, the other in the spring. Our fall project involves assembling care packages that will be sent to soldiers in all branches of the military in active duty. We are requesting the help of the community in our project. Our intent is to send the care packages to active duty servicemen and servicewomen who have graduated from Monroe-Woodbury. To that end, we are requesting the addresses of active duty soldiers, so that they may receive a care package. We’d like to offer our sincere thanks for any and all help the community is able to provide. Sincerely, Students Supporting Our Soldiers Steve Nagle, Club Advisor