Students host Halloween party for homeless children

Tuxedo - Tuxedo Park School is an independent, PreK-9, day school located in the back corner of historic Tuxedo Park, but its location doesn’t deter its students from learning about and making a difference in the world around them. his past weekend, students from grades four through nine hosted a Halloween party in Clifton, N.J., for families who are participants in the Catherine A. Rowe Commons Transitional Housing Program. “Many of the children who attended the party have been homeless and now live in transitional housing while their families get on their feet,” said Kristen Heard, Tuxedo Park School director of admissions and service project coordinator. “It was wonderful to see the Tuxedo Park School students having fun and engaging with these children and their parents.” The Tuxedo Park School effort began weeks before the party. The Upper School Student Council ran a two-week decoration and candy drive to collect supplies for the party. In the week prior to the event, the third grade and their senior buddies at the Promenade at Tuxedo Place, a senior residence, worked together to make treat bags for the Clifton children. Also, many parents baked treats and provided snacks. Finally, on Saturday morning, about thirty costumed students, parents, and faculty members from Tuxedo Park School headed down to Clifton to decorate, set up food, games, and treats, and greeted over twenty children and their families for a day of Halloween fun. “The Halloween party for the families in the transitional housing program in Clifton has become a tradition for Tuxedo Park School over the past several years, and we look forward to bringing joy to these children every year,” said Heard. For more information about Tuxedo Park School, please visit