Straus Newspapers take five awards in N.Y. Press Association journalism contest

| 22 Feb 2012 | 05:33

    Chester - The three Straus News weekly newspapers that cover communities in Orange County took home five awards in the New York Press Association’s annual “Better Newspaper” contest. The Photo News, which covers Monroe, Woodbury and parts of Tuxedo, won awards for its editorial and advertising content. Nancy Kriz, a writer for The Photo News, won the first-place writing award for best obituary for a story called, “Au revoir, Madame Kojtari.” The judges described the story this way: “Au revoir, Madame Kojtari” is a touching obituary about a very difficult death, the domestic violence murder of a beloved French teacher. Portraying the teacher through the eyes of her students elevates this to first place. Great thought to go to Facebook and excerpt what the kids were saying.” The newspaper also won the third-place award in the advertising category for best multi-advertiser pages. The Chronicle, which covers Goshen and Chester, won two editorial awards. Writer Becca Tucker and other staff received the second-place award for coverage of the environment. The judges wrote: “A nod to The Chronicle for taking explanatory journalism to a whole new level with its coverage of the possible effects of a housing development on area wetlands. The many sidebars and breakout boxes prove essential to helping readers understand what role these 'swamps’ play in the ecosystem. Tucker also won the third-place award for in-depth reporting for her story for The Chronicle regarding the actions of two Chester School officials. The judges commented: “Principal enters student’s home — The reporter does a good job of following the investigation and made me want to keep reading to find out what happened.” The Warwick Advertiser won the third-place design award for best special cover for its “Back to School” issue. The judges wrote: “Colorful and interesting topics — well placed.” The awards were announced last weekend at the New York Press Association’s annual convention in Saratoga Springs. The state awards come on the heels of eight other awards won by seven of the nine weeklies in the Straus News family.