State Police announce seat belt enforcement push during the Thanksgiving holidays
Middletown - The New York State Police will conduct a zero tolerance seat belt enforcement blitz now through the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, according to an announcement by Troop “F” Commander Major Edward Raso. During this time, police agencies in the Troop “F” region will staff checkpoints and assign dedicated patrols to ensure compliance with New York’s mandatory safety restraint law. Police departments across the state will join forces in the effort, which is part of the ongoing Buckle Up New York, Click It or Ticket Campaign. “The safety belt enforcement emphasis before the holidays should be expected by now, and troopers will accept no excuses,” Raso said in the online press release announcing the ““It’s Click It, Or Ticket” campaign. “It continues to amaze me that some people don’t get the message, but that’s why we do this. It saves lives.” Last year, troopers issued nearly 19,000 safety belt tickets statewide during the two-week Thanksgiving Holiday enforcement blitz, and another 789 drivers were cited for child restraint violations. Troopers also investigated more than 3,000 crashes during the same time period, seven of which resulted in loss of life.