Chester. The Monroe-Woodbury Bowling Team celebrates the senior varsity bowlers

On Monday afternoon, Feb. 8, at the Colonial Lanes in Chester, the Monroe-Woodbury Bowling Team held a brief ceremony to honor the seniors on this year’s team.
Each senior was given a decorated bowling pin that had been autographed by their teammates before they started their virtual match against the Goldbacks of Newburgh Free Academy.
Head Coach Chris Vero and Assistant Patrick Tierney and the crew from Colonial Lanes have done a fantastic job keeping this year’s team safe while dealing with all the safety issues that are associated with the pandemic.
The athletes on the bowling team have been lucky this year becase they are among the few who have been given the opportunity to participate in the sport they love while several of the winter sports teams have been sadly shut down for the year.
The Crusaders all rolled strong games but the results of the match will not be known until the coaches text the scores to each other and tally up the results.
So at least for an hour or so Monday afternoon these varsity athletes got to bowl with their teammates in a competitive match and everything seemed just fine in the new look of high school sports.
- William Dimmit