News digest

| 22 Feb 2012 | 02:15

    State police investigate death threat mailed to Monroe Town Councilman Harley Doles III Monroe - Monroe Town Councilman Harley Doles III has filed a complaint with the state police after receiving a death threat in a letter sent to Monroe Town Hall. The hand-written note reads: “Councilman Doles, “If you think being in cahoots with K.J is a good idea, think again. “If you value your existence, think some more.” In an interview Thursday morning, Doles said the letter, postmarked from Westchester on Oct. 23, was among the mail he opened at Town Hall on Wednesday. When he showed the note to Supervisor Sandy Leonard, she urged him to report it to the state police. “Of course, I am in cahoots with K.J,” Doles said. “My job is to be in cahoots with K.J. They are people. They have children. Government is supposed to be in cahoots with the people it represents. “We all know what the issue here is,” Doles added. “Hate. Hate in America. We’ve been talking about this issue for the last 200 years. There is no way I will be silenced.” Doles is a Democrat who is running for the state Senate seat held by William J. Larkin Sr., the Republican-Conservative from Cornwall-on-Hudson. M-W Middle School parent-teacher conferences begin Nov. 9 Central Valley - The Monroe-Woodbury Middle School will conduct parent-teacher conferences on the following dates: Tuesday, Nov. 9, from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12, from 12:30 until 3 p.m. (this is a district-wide conference date.) Tuesday, Nov. 23, from 6 to 9 p.m. The purpose of these conferences is to offer parents the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers, on an individual basis, and to discuss his/her progress in each course. To schedule a conference for any of these dates, school officials ask parents to complete the conference request form, which was mailed home. Extra conference request forms are available in the Middle School Main Office. The form also is available to download on the district Web site ( The Middle School will be calling to schedule conferences now through Nov. 5. Parents also are advised that the Middle School will be releasing students at 11:37 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 12. Attention hunters Monroe - The Monroe Town Clerk’s Office will open at 6 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 1, to accept applications for leftover state Deer Management Permits to hunters who were previously denied permits during the initial application period earlier this fall. Deer Management Permits, which allow hunters to harvest antlerless deer, are issued for specific Wildlife Management Units to control deer populations. Leftover DMPs will also be available in several Wildlife Management Units, including: 1C, 3M, 3R, (3S, bowhunting-only), 8A, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8J, 9A, and 9F. A list of units with available leftover DMPs is available at Call Town Clerk Mary Ellen F. Beams at 845-783-1900 ext. 221 for additional information.