News digest

| 22 Feb 2012 | 01:58

    Meet the candidates for brunch this Sunday, Oct. 3 Newburgh - The Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County will host a meet-the-candidates brunch at Temple Beth Jacob in Newburgh this Sunday, Oct. 3, beginning at 1 p.m. The local and state candidates will address the questions and concerns of all in Orange County. The event is free and refreshments will be served. The temple is located at 344 Gidney Ave. in Newburgh. Call the federation office at 845-562-7860 for more information or visit The candidates who are scheduled to attend include: Jay Townsend, the Republican and Conservative candidate for U.S. Senate versus incumbent Democrat Charles Schumer. Nan Hayworth, Republican candidate for Congress versus Democratic incumbent John Hall. Maurice Hinchey, Democratic candidate for Congress re-election. George Phillips, Republican candidate for Congress versus Hinchey. David Sager, Democratic candidate for state Senate versus Republican incumbent John Bonacic. Bill Larkin, Republican candidate for state Senate re-election. Harley Doles, Democratic candidate versus Larkin. Annie Rabbitt, Republican candidate for state Assembly re-election. Myrna Kemnitz, Democratic candidate for state Assembly versus Rabbitt. Nancy Calhoun, Republican candidate for state Assembly re-election. Roxanne Donnery, Democratic and Conservative candidate for state Assembly versus Calhoun. Aileen Gunther, Democratic candidate for Assembly re-election. Frank Skartados, Democratic candidate for state Assembly re-election. Discover the amazing stone walls of Monroe Monroe - The Monroe Historical Society will conduct a walking tour of the Mombasha Mine and the O’Neil Mine on Saturday, Oct. 9. According to Town Historian Jim Nelson, an added bonus of a walk will be to view some amazing stone walls that are as wide as a road. The public is invited at no charge at 10 a.m. on Oct. 9, gathering at the upper parking lot of the Monroe Senior Center on Mine Road. Reservations are not required; for further information contact Nelson at 783-3406. A regular meeting of the Monroe Historical Society will take place at the Monroe Senior Center an hour prior to the walk at 9 a.m.