News digest
Village elections Village elections will take place Tuesday, March 15, in Harriman, Monroe and Woodbury. Here’s a synopsis: Woodbury Three candidates are running unopposed. Residents also will vote on three propositions affecting future elections. Mayor Michael F. Queenan is seeking a second two-year term of office. Village Trustees Timothy P. Egan and Thomas G. Flood also are running for their second two-year terms. The three propositions are: One: That village elections be held on the third Tuesday in June, starting 2012. Elections are now held in March. Two: The term of office for Trustee would be increased from two to four years, beginning 2012. Three: The Mayor’s term of office would also be increased from two to four years except it would not start until 2013. Harriman There are contested races for mayor and two seats on the board of trustees. Mayor Stephen Welle is running for a fourth term of office on the Village Choice line. He has been Harriman’s mayor for 10 years. His first term was for two years; he’s since won consecutive four-year terms. His challenger is Robert Caterino, who is running on the Concerned Citizen ticket. Five candidates are running for two four-year posts on the Village Board. Listed in alphabetical order, the candidates are: Ronald Klare, former trustee. Lawrence Mosca, incumbent. Christine Sacher, incumbent. Gene Santiago. Chamarajanagar Shashykumar. Monroe The sole contest in the Village of Monroe is Frank Eppinger’s race to complete the final year of Mayor James Purcell’s term as a member of the Village Board. When Purcell was elected mayor, there were two years left on his term of office. Eppinger took over as trustee last year. He is unopposed. - Claudia Wysocki Attorney general to discuss nuclear waste storage WHITE PLAINS New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says he’ll make an announcement about the storage of nuclear waste at the Indian Point Energy Center and other facilities. Nuclear waste storage is among the issues in Entergy Nuclear’s fight to get new licenses for the Indian Point 2 and 3 plants in Buchanan. In recent years, some of the waste has been moved from indoor water pools to large protective casks housed outdoors near the reactors. It’s a nationwide issue. President Barack Obama is supporting more nuclear plants. But waste storage is a major stumbling block. A proposed high-level radioactive waste facility in Nevada has been discussed since the early 1980s. The Obama administration has cut funding for the project without naming an alternative. Parts of the Orange County towns of Highlands, Tuxedo and Woodbury are within the 10-mile evacuation radius of the plants. M-W to host school use scheduling meeting on March 2 CENTRAL VALLEY - The Monroe-Woodbury School District will hold a meeting on Wednesday, March 2, at 6 p.m. to determine the scheduling of the district’s fields for the 2011 spring sports season. The meeting will be held in the Education Center Conference Room located on Route 32 in Central Valley, Any community group or team that wishes to use the district’s fields should submit a request at this meeting. Any questions prior to this meeting should be directed to Jeffrey T. White, assistant superintendent for business and management services at 460-6200, ext. 6242. Schedule for the food pantry at the First Presbyterian Church of Monroe Monroe - The food pantry at the First Presbyterian Church of Monroe, located at 142 Stage Road, is open according to the following schedule: The first and third Saturdays of every month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For further information, call the church office at 783-1632.