Museum Village in Monroe adds four new board members

Board chairman says move will increase museum’s leadership and stature Monroe - Museum Village’s 60th anniversary benefit honoring state Sen. William J. Larkin Jr., held at the Falkirk Country Club in Central Valley last month, generated a great deal of support and enthusiasm. As a result, officials said, Museum Village has been able to attract four new board members. Joining the Board of Trustees are: Hank Van Leeuwen, a retired truck dealer. Shirley Van Dam, associate broker for Rand Realty. Jocelyn Lange, associate director for Random House Children’s Books. Ed Helbig, conservation education coordinator for the Orange County Water Authority. “This is a very significant event for the future success of the Museum Village,” said Jeffrey Albanese, chairperson of the Board of Trustees. “By increasing our board to 15, we are improving the stature of the museum and allowing for greater governance and leadership.” The museum also recently hired Michael Sosler as the new general manager for business operations. He will be responsible for running the day-to-day operations of the business as well as the marketing activities and communication with the public and local media. “These are all positive changes that are positioning Museum Village to continue to be a very important part of the community,” added Albanese. Museum Village is a living history museum preserving a vast collection of eclectic, 19th century artifacts for educational purposes. Using these artifacts and reproductions, the museum’s staff provide hands-on experiences and exhibits illustrating the transition from a rural to an industrial culture and economy in America, provoking thought and discussion about history.
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