Sal Scancarello appointed to Monroe Town Board

| 08 Feb 2018 | 02:06

    — The Monroe Town Board became whole Monday with the unanimous appointment of Sal Scancarello as councilman.
    Scancarello fills the vacancy created with the election of Councilman Anthony Cardone in November as town supervisor. He was among three women and 12 men who sought the office. Cardone and Town Board members Mary Bingham, Rick Colon and Mike McGinn and Mary Bingham each praised the qualities of the office seekers, saying they provide the town with a group of people who can contribute to other town commissions or advisory boards.
    “The change in government, the quality of the candidates, is a blessing,” Cardone said, “The response indicates that Monroe is back.”
    In an email exchange with The Photo News, Scancarello explained his interest:
    “I was interested in the position for one reason,” he wrote. “I have lived here for nearly 25 years and remember the vibrant, upbeat attitude that the town had. It was great walking down Main Street and being a part of this community.
    “Over the last several years I believe Monroe has lost a lot of that,” Scancarello added. “There was quite a negative vibe in the last few years in this town and I believe people got scared and started giving up hope. The formation of United Monroe and those incredible people I believe were the beginning of what will turn out to be the turning point in turning our town back into what it used to be.
    “I got involved because I want to see my kids live here and raise their families here,” the new councilman added. “This town has an incredible heartbeat and a lot of great people. That to me is the definition of Monroe.”
    Scancarello has been a partner in a family business for more than 30 Years. He is on the board of directors for the Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce and the owner with his wife and four children of the Crusader Cafe at Smith's Clove Park. They also run the Heroes for a Cure fund raiser at for Rosemarins Day Camp every Columbus Day weekend and have raised tens of thousands of dollars for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
    Scancarello’s appointment is for the remainder of this year. He must seek election this coming November to complete of the final year of the term of office. To continue, he would then seek re-election to a full four-year term in November 2019.
    - Bob Quinn