Local DPWs are watching their salt as the snow continues to fall

| 22 Feb 2012 | 04:42

    Highland Mills - On Wednesday morning, the Town of Woodbury ordered another 500 tons of salt as the area braced for yet another snowstorm. Woodbury has gone through 2,000 tons of salt so far, said highway secretary Sheila Beadle. “As of January 1, the town spent $85,000 - not including the order we just placed which was $23,000,” she said. “ It’s going quick.” Unlike surrounding communities, Woodbury uses only salt on the roads . “The sand doesn’t melt the snow,” Beadle said. 'We will go to a mix of sand and salt if we go over budget,” added Beadle, who was speaking for the Town Highway Superintendent Peter Stabile who was out checking the roads in anticipation of the Wednesday evening’s storm. Harriman The Village of Harriman’s salt supply is in pretty good shape, according to superintendent John Karl. “We have gone through between 30 - 40 percent of our budget, which is a different fiscal cycle from the town,” he said. “Knock on wood, so far so good.” But, he warned if the trend continues, with constant storms through February, “then I will be concerned,” he said. “Right now,” he said, “I am ready to cut grass.” Town of Monroe The Town of Monroe’s Highway Administrative Assistant Bob Picinotti said there is no shortage of salt at this point. “We are using a mix of sand and salt to conserve the salt supply,” he explained on behalf of highway chief Jim Gulick who was also out checking the roads. The town’s new budget began Jan. 1. It is still too early to see if the salt is making a dent in the budget, Picinotti said. Tuxedo In Tuxedo, the supervisor’s secretary Shari Brooks said, “We are good to go in Tuxedo. A lot of the snow fell in December, so, right now, we’re well within our budget. In another month, however,” she added, “it might be another story.” The town’s highway superintendent Ed Psizenmaier was busy inspecting the highway machinery for the next run. Village of Monroe And Village of Monroe residents have nothing to worry about. “We are right on budget,” said Mayor Jim Purcell. “We have been building a salt monetary reserve for unexpected budget overtures,” the mayor said. “So, we’re good to go.”