Jubilate youth choir holds its winter concert in Goshen on Dec. 17

Goshen - The community youth choir Jubilate will perform its winter concert, “Rejoice and Be Merry,” on Friday, Dec. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at St James Episcopal Church, 1 St. James Place, Goshen. Tickets are $10 ($5 for students and 65 years or older). They are available by calling 845-986-9964 and at the door. Jubilate members hail from Blooming Grove, Central Valley, Chester, Florida, Goshen, Hewitt N.J., Highland Mills, Monroe, Pine Island, Sugarloaf, Tuxedo Park and Warwick. Established in 2006, Jubilate (pronounced yoo-bih-LAH-tey) is directed by David Crone and assistant director/accompanist Steven Wing, both teachers at Monroe-Woodbury. Jubilate has various choirs: treble, small ensemble, young men’s and SATB. The choir performed at Carnegie Hall in April, with the Classic Choral Society in May, and has performed at numerous houses of worship and local events. For more information visit the choir’s Web site JubilateWarwick.com.