Additional snow days cause Tuxedo schools to take back two more days
TUXEDO - It’s been said that the snow flake is one of nature’s most fragile creations, except when they all start sticking together and causing trouble. And Tuxedo School District students can certainly relate to that, now that two additional days have been pulled back by officials. With two more snow days used last week, and one day already taken back, Tuxedo parents and students were advised last Friday that another two days would also be taken back. Tuxedo, like many area districts, has used six snow days in addition to a number of delayed openings (which are not used in the calculation for snow days). But the district’s approved 2010-2011 calendar only allocated for three snow days. Now, days which were previously set as days off - March 25, April 18 and May 27 - are now days where school will now be in session, according to a letter distributed on Feb. 4 by District Superintendent Joseph Zanetti. Zanetti also advised parents of the days which would be taken back as instructional days if any additional snow days are needed this year. “Should it become necessary to utilize additional emergency closing days, school will be in session in the following order: April 19, 20, 21, 22,” wrote Zanetti. Those days - including the April 18 date where school will now be in session - are currently scheduled as spring recess during the Passover and Easter season. - Nancy Kriz